Mar 1:17  Then Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men."

One word. One word is all it takes to make it or brake it. In the world we live in one word and change so much. One direction or the other direction can change our life forever. Now I know you know this. And as Christians most of us will say “ I will follow Jesus where ever He wants me to go.” Well I’m going to tell you the truth. Must Christians won’t follow Christ where He wants us to go. Unfortunately most Christians won’t even see God to know what He wants us to do or go. So when we see Jesus calling theses young men don’t think you would say yes. Because you probably wouldn’t!  I know I wouldn’t have until I did one day. One day one minute in my short life I Said “Yes Lord” and I followed Jesus where He took me was crazy.  And my life will never be the same. Look here’s the deal seek Jesus and see where and what He has for you and then if you are brave maybe hopefully you will say YES. 


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