Mar 1:20  And immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after Him.

So we’ve gone over seeking the lord about what we should do. We’ve gone over the call and we’ve gone overtaking Action. Not I want us to look at the words that the Bible uses here. Jesus saw them and he did what? He thought about what to do? No. Did He take the day and think about what He was going to say to them? No. Jesus took action and immediately He called them. One thing we should learn from Jesus is that He didn’t mess around and He definitely didn’t waist His time. So that’s how he called now let’s look at how they answered. Well it doesn’t say “immediately “ but it dose say they left what they were doing and went after Him. They left there family and their Job and everything else. They didn’t take a day to think about what they should do they answered the call and went for it. 


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