IBS 16

Php 4:11  Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:

What a crazy statement I look at this statement and wonder if I will ever be able to make a statement like this one. I would like to think someday in my life I will be that content. What ever happens to me it doesn't matter wherever I am it doesn't matter its not my life but Christ. I am learning everyday to be content with where God has me. Its not always where I want to be nor is it doing what I want to be doing but it's what God has for me. I ask myself if I go to prison for being a follower of Jesus would I be content. Well the answer right now is no so clearly I still need to be content with where God has me. 


I will look into my life today and see what I am wanting and need to give it to God. 


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