1Ti 3:7  Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

We just got a talk about being above reproach, not that we were doing anything wrong or anything but still good to talk about it. Honestly it’s very frustrating we can’t even live our life’s out normally without always striving do live our life’s higher. It’s not fun at all and I don’t always want to do it. I mean why do I have to live my life wondering what others are thinking about me. Why do I have to always have someone with me so I can “ live above reproach” I mean it’s more of a hassle then a blessing it’s doing more harm then good right?  I mean really it’s just a pain in the but. Why would I keep on doing this crap. Well why did Jesus live the way we did? Why would we do that? And why did he keep going? Think about that and your answers to those will keep you going. 


I am here in Africa for 8 more days for the next 8 days I will live above reproach. 


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